Thanks for your regular and always exciting posts! What I'm wondering is whether there are actually any psychological traits that can be explained to a relevant degree by shared environment? Do you think that shared environmental influences such as dysfunctional family background, trauma or war have an impact? What about parenting styles (e.g. authoritarian vs. egalitarian)?

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Thanks! Yep, there are some traits that are explained to a significant degree by the shared environment. The best-established example is educational attainment (see https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-69526-6).

I do think that extreme shared environmental experiences - abuse, neglect, etc. - would have an impact. The idea that the shared environment tends to have little or no effect applies largely within the normal range of experience.

Authoritarian vs. egalitarian parenting is within the normal range, so my guess is that it wouldn't make much of a difference to how people turn out in the long-term.

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