There didn’t seem to a control for paternal age of conception; the recent work by Friston and others on the mechanisms of Autism and Psychosis would lead me to hypothesize that it’s not just heritable in an ordinary genetic way, but in an epigenetic way. Autism spectrum induces late paternal age at conception which in turn creates more key mutations which produce more profound autism spectra.

Similarly, there’s the fraternal birth-order gay male hypothesis. For women who have many pregnancies with male fetuses, they can grow immunoreactive to - a y linked protein - NLGN4Y - which modifies testosterone produced by the fetus.

I think the genetics part is not so straightforward. I'm.much more curious that maternal environment, gets so modified. it's not just the genes themselves.

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Hi Sufeitzy, hope you're well. The authors did control for paternal age and maternal age: "Estimates were adjusted for differences in prevalence due to birth year and maternal and paternal age by sex." I think it's pretty clear that most of the variance in autism spectrum disorder is due to additive genetic effects. Still, de novo mutations, maternal effects, and interactions between genes and environmental influences could all help explain the residual.

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