Really wonderful piece, Steve. Phenomena about which I think a lot. And that tie into my healthcare startup.

Some days it feels like my pessimist and optimist are in an ongoing and wicked wresting match.

Trying to work more on what I can control, how I can contribute and how to let go of unproductive fear and preoccupation.

Grateful for the sparks of hope and inspiration your piece provides today ❤️‍🔥

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I think your statement regarding evolved propensities is spot on: Humans have evolved propensities for quite different actions and reactions that are realized depending on the circumstances. These propensities are innate.

I think it can be argued that propensities underlie much of what living organisms are about. Organisms need to have a range of possible actions available to deal with various circumstances as they appear.

Karl Popper wrote two essays late in his life called A World of Propensities, which I can recommend: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/416798

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