I believe the real purpose of trigger warnings is to communicate that the listener/viewer should disagree with the subsequent statements without having to actually engage with the arguments being made. Once someone decides that a speaker is wrong, they stop listening. Trigger warnings ensure this happens before the speaker even starts talking.

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Yep, there could definitely be some of that.

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Teacher friends have reported to me that some historical facts have been deleted out of the curriculum due to fears of “triggering” certain students. Unbelievable.

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That's terrible - a good example of the educational harm that trigger warnings can produce.

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Perhaps it might be more useful to study, focus and encourage resilience through debate then mindfulness. Strength works better than relying on some others to shoulder your burden. There are always people worse off who actually need real help. Maybe if one is not actually in a war zone or has not been starved or tortured then practicing gratitude for what we have can bring more meaning to ourselves and others.

Should we better become a helpful society rather than a helpless one.

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Sounds good to me!

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