Really interesting data. I think normalisation of manifesting symptoms and help seeking is a good hypothesis (and for conditions where symptom IS the disorder, like EDs, this effect should be stronger).
There's also a possibility that having a classmate with psychiatric disorder is itself a stressor.
It'd be cool to see whether being aware of the diagnosis influenced this relationship and how.
And doing matched classes comparisons would provide extra control on top of controlling for certain variables.
Really interesting data. I think normalisation of manifesting symptoms and help seeking is a good hypothesis (and for conditions where symptom IS the disorder, like EDs, this effect should be stronger).
There's also a possibility that having a classmate with psychiatric disorder is itself a stressor.
It'd be cool to see whether being aware of the diagnosis influenced this relationship and how.
And doing matched classes comparisons would provide extra control on top of controlling for certain variables.
All very interesting points. I'm sure you're right that having a having a classmate with psychiatric disorder is itself a stressor!