My favorite "There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper."

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The idea that the stars literally influence men (by a falling fluid, an influenza) is plainly untenable. But that the movements of the constellations are a clock by which earthly changes can be measured is less easy to dismiss.

Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson

She hits many ideas on the nose, but some are in outer space; or as the expression goes the broken clock is correct twice a day.

I enjoyed parts of “Sexual Balonae” and she survives along with Gayle Rubin as the few women who maintained that a nude woman in print is not necessarily degrading, and that a nude man in print is virtually impossible to consider degrading by any involved party.

These ideas are adult being challenged today - for instance, any depiction of of a women having sex is by definition prostitution, and by implication is degrading to all woman.

Unfortunately she became a one-note song, reflexively challenging any sensible position to garner controversy.

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Thank you for sharing these quotes and this lady. I really like being introduced this lady. I actually want to learn more from feminists who hold biological understandings but have really Interesting critiques. Ultimately to learn more and have a more balanced view of things!

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You're welcome, Luis - glad you liked the quotes!

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A great intellectual! I've admired her for years and enjoyed her conversation some years ago with Christina Hoff Sommers. I understand too that anecdotal experience is worthless in the grand scheme - but I can tell she never met the men in my family (#7 and 8).

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Yep, Paglia is great. So is Christina Hoff Sommers - in fact, I'm working on a quotes collection for her right now.

Noted on Quotes 7 and 8. I don't disagree! :)

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Sufeitzy didn't she come out a couple of years ago admitting that she would probably identify nowadays as non-binary or trans? I only mention it because, at risk of being offensive to certain groups, it gives a whole new spin on her thinking (for me) regarding her views of the feminine/masculine dynamic.

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